Obiter Dictum

I remember working at a large law firm in downtown Toronto and ran across a student who was the editor of the Obiter Dictum (oh-bee-ter deek-toom) at their law school.  I had to look it up to see what it meant! It means something said in passing or something a judge...

Caveat Emptor

Caveat emptor: Let the buyer beware This phrase is used commonly when in transactions where the item is sold “as is”.   For example, if you purchase a used vehicle without having a mechanic look at it or a home without doing a home inspection.  The...

Cell Phone Freedom Day!

Electronics and I have a special relationship.  They have a tendency to not work correctly and I have a tendency to drop them and last night was no different.  Last night I went to make a phone call and I dropped my phone on the tile floor in the kitchen.  I know,...

Inter Partes

Don’t you love it when you are self represented and you have presented your case and feeling proud and then the Judge starts speaking and it seems like Latin, it probably is. I heard a Judge the other day use the term inter partes when he was speaking to the...